Don't know what everyone was expecting, but what ensued was , indeed, quite a surprise!
The Backstory: In 1982, at 17, I set off to Sweden to live with a family as an exchange student. At the time, I had three Swedish "sisters": Lena (15), Nilla (10) and Anna (5). The Rudolfssons were a gregarious, loving family -- not unlike the Fischers back home -- and it was an AMAZING experience! In subsequent years, all three Rudolfsson girls lived in Erie, joining the brood of fifteen other foreigners who spent time at the Fischer house over the years. Additionally, my cousin Amy (of Syracuse fame) lived with the Rudolfssons for one high school summer. That's a whole lot of "exchanging" of students, I'd say!
Over the years we've stayed in touch with the vast majority of those siblings, a few more than others. And, thanks to Facebook, now more frequently than ever! Round about January, I put out a request asking our "siblings" to help Mom and Dad celebrate their 50th, and I never would have dreamed of the response that came from middle sister, Nilla: "I'm coming and I'll bring my daughter Emma!"
It was hard to keep this "secret" from Mom and Dad over the ensuing months, but somehow we managed. The Swedes flew into JFK and spent a couple of days in NYC. I joined them for part of the time. (see photos from our adventure in this outstanding album). And then we made the long drive to Erie. For the last two hours of the drive, we schemed about how to best surprise them without giving anyone a complete heart failure!
Bottom line, when we got to Erie, I asked Mom to come out to the car because I "had some things in the back seat that I need help with."
What follows is the series of pictures from that moment.
Mom opens the door, and there's Nilla (with her camera poised, of course):
I took this one from outside the car:
And then this one:
And finally, this one:
Just a few minutes later, Dad came home from Wegman's and we had to pull off the surprise all over again. This time, we told him that he had to help us bring some things up from the basement. And here's what he found at the bottom of the steps...