
Happy Birthday America...and "Hello" Tour de France

Poor Hogan. He really does hate
fireworks. It's confirmed.

Todd and I enjoyed a lovely barbecue
and fireworks display at the Bunch
house in Woodbury on Saturday
(I brought the Caprese skewers,
mentioned in an earlier post and
pictured here) while Hogan stayed
home to "guard the house." The
nearest official fireworks were at
least 2 towns away, since Trumbull
and Shelton both had their fireworks
on Friday night.

That must mean the neighbors put on
some show! Here's how we know: a
massive clean-up effort ensued when
we returned from our lovely picnic. Enough said, you get the point.

And now...News from the Tour de France
Lance is wearing number 21 -- my lucky number. That'll keep me tuned in for three weeks! Keep away from those crazy crashers ol' boy! And show 'em that cancer can't stop anything. Vive la Lance!

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