
Feel Like 'Walking in Memphis'?

OK...here's your reward for faithfully logging into this continuing babel.

My thoughtful husband--with only the most sentimental and romantic intentions--gave me (er,us) two tickets for Marc Cohn (Feb.15th at Tarrytown) as a Christmas gift. We LOVE Marc Cohn (like the rest of the world, we played "True Companion" at our wedding) and have been to at least eight concerts in the last few years. This one is especially special (is that a word?) b.c. Marc FINALLY (after only about 4 years waiting) has a new album out...and it's brilliant. What a GREAT Christmas gift...and so thoughtful.

Here's the problem...I'm not as thoughtful, and I didn't know what to get Todd for Christmas. So, I checked his trial calendar at work and went ahead and booked a long weekend (Feb. 14 - 18th) in the Wine Country of California. There's the problem...we can't do both.

Since I'm unwilling to "give away" our trip, and Todd--when given a choice--picked the trip, then I'm very willing to GIVE AWAY the concert tickets. That's right, you don't have to go backwards and re-read ... it says GIVE AWAY. Quite frankly, the "cheapie" in me tried to sell them on line. I logged on the Marc Cohn fan site (where I've been a member for the last six years), and posted a notice that I'd be selling the tix on eBay. Then I posted a 7-day auction on eBay with narry a nibble.

Marc Cohn is a little bit obscure (many years ago he won the grammy as "best new artist," and "best song" with "Walking in Memphis;" otherwise, people know him because so many people in the 90s used "True Companion" as their wedding song) and we want to give them to someone who would really appreciate them. The concert is the day after Valentine's Day, so it will make a nice "date night" for whomever wants them. And I'll even throw in a "free" copy of the new CD, which comprises his set list for this tour. As a junkie, I've been following the posts on the fan site to see what he's been playing at other venues. At one venue, Bonnie Raitt showed up and sang along with one of his new songs... hmmm... cool. One bit of bad news...there's lots of grumbling on the posts that he's not been playing "True Companion" at these shows. So, as a consolation, I'll put it on the CD for you!!! In any case, I guarantee an amazing evening of soulful singer/songwriter stuff.

And I figure, if you're reading this blog, then you're a close enough friend to justify the FREE giveaway!!

Check your calendar and respond immediately...I'll get the tickets right to you!

BTW, the seats are "medium"...not front and center, but not the cheap seats, either. It's a real small venue, so no matter where you sit, it will be intimate.

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